Call for Papers (closed)
Deadline extension! NEW Deadline: 15.09.2016
1. Goals and Topics
The conference aims to bring together perspectives on (second) language learning that have a common denominator in usage based approaches to linguistic research. We therefore invite a broad range of papers taking a cognitive, functional, constructional, typological, and discourse approach to language learning (L1 and L2). We welcome submissions on any aspect of these topics, in particular, PAPERS, POSTERS and THEMATIC PANELS addressing one or more of the following topics:
- Linguistic relativity and language learning
- Thinking-for-speaking and language acquisition
- Usage-based linguistics in language acquisition
- Socio-cognitive language learning
- Language socialization
- Language learning as social activity
- Dynamic Systems / Chaos-Complexity-based language development
- Embodiment and language learning
- Construction-based L1 and L2 language acquisition, including the role of formulaic sequences and frequency issues
- Conversation analysis in language learning
- Development of L2 interactional and constructional competence
- Usage based L2 pedagogy
- Usage-based approaches to (second) language assessment
2. Plenary speakers
- Ellen Bialystok, Toronto
- Marianne Gullberg, Lund
- Gabriele Kasper, Honolulu
- Hans-Jörg Schmid, Munich
- Marjolijn Verspoor, Groningen
Invited colloquia:
Frank Fischer, LMU Munich:
(title to be announced)
- Søren Eskildsen, University of Southern Denmark (SDU):
What counts as evidence for L2 learning? - a conversation-analytic perspective.
The purpose of this colloquium is to advance our understanding of L2 learning over time from a conversation-analytic / ethnomethodological (CA-EM) viewpoint. The key issues addressed include a principled description of the interface between what is traditionally thought of as linguistic-semiotic resources and interactional competence, an operationalization of learning that is in line with CA-EM's emic approach, and a coherent methodology for investigating change over time in the same participants' social practices. The colloquium will bring together scholars working with a variety of L2s (Danish, English, Italian, Finnish, French) in a range of settings (everyday interaction, schools, workplace).
3. Submissions
We invite abstracts (max. 300 words, excluding references) of unpublished work for individual papers, posters, and thematic panels. You can hand in your submissions starting May 1st, 2016 until September, 15th 2016 (extended).
- title
- type of presentation: paper / poster
- the (first) author's postal and e-mail address
- names and affiliations of any other authors
- short abstract of no more than 300 words
Further information
Paper Presentations will be 30 minutes, with 20 minutes for presentations and 10 minutes for discussion.
Posters are intended as a format for reports on work in progress, and are an opportunity for more extended interaction.
Thematic panels are welcome and encouraged. The thematic panels should focus on a well-defined research topic. Each panel will be allocated 2 hours, which should include opening and closing remarks, individual papers (up to 4 presentations), discussants (if included) and general discussion.
4. Deadline (extended)
- Please note: The deadline has been extended to 15th of September, 2016!
- Notification of acceptance: 30th of October 2016
Abstracts must be submitted through ConfTool and are subject to a double-blinded peer review process. Submission is open starting: May 1st, 2016
Senior: EUR 170,00
Senior early bird: EUR 120,00 (due December 1st, 2016)
Student: EUR 100,00
Please note: The fee has to be paid by bank transfer
IBAN:DE64 7025 0150 0010 4953 64
Please add TDL 2017 AND your ConfTool registration number as payment reference. Otherwise your transmission can not be traced.
5. Scientific committee
- Heike Behrens, Basel
- Johan Blomberg, Lund
- Teresa Cadierno, Odense
- Helen Engemann, Frankfurt
- Søren Eskildsen, Sonderborg
- Katharina Franko, Munich
- Marianne Gullberg, Lund
- Franziska Günther, Munich
- Stefanie Haberzettl, Saarbrücken
- Anne-Katharina Harr, Munich
- Moiken Jessen, Munich
- Susanne Kirndorfer, Munich
- Nikolas Koch, Munich
- Katrin Lindner, Munich
- Karin Madlener, Basel
- Giulio Pagonis, Heidelberg
- Claudia Maria Riehl, Munich
- Jörg Roche, Munich
- Katrin Skoruppa, Basel
- Ferran Suner, Leuven
- Elisabetta Terrasi-Haufe, Munich
- Marjolijn Verspoor, Groningen
- Nicole Weidinger, Munich
- Till Wörfel, Munich